Monday, June 23, 2014

The Tennis Ball Can, Part 2

Again, another story that I never thought would have a part two... (See Part 1)

I mentioned to my dad that once we had seen my mom pee into a tennis ball can. He was not really surprised. In fact, he told me about the time when it had gotten really warm in LA, and he started to notice an awful smell in his car. Given that the car is a disastrous mess, he went on a full scale search to find the source. Was it some food that had been left and spoiled? Some green juice that had spilled and was now molding over?

Nope! After an hour of searching, he finally found a tennis ball can in the side cup holder... full of urine.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Homeless van

So I know that this blog is about my mom, but both of my parents have really messy cars. The last time I went home, I got a few shots of the inside of my mom's car:

Cardboard boxes. Good organizational tools.

Woe to anybody who wishes to sit in the back seat
I've gotten on my parents' cases before about how messy their cars are. My mom's reply is always that it is the most convenient for her to have everything in her car because she can never forget anything! My dad says that they are rarely home, so they basically have everything they need to live out of their cars.

So when I got this text from my dad... well- I had to share.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

On the loose!

I received this amazing photo from my friend the other day. Apparently she and her husband were walking around LA and ran across this...

Is it the same RV??? No... it couldn't be!

Sunday, June 8, 2014


A few years ago, my husband came home telling me about a self-massage tool that he prescribes for his patients: the Theracane.

Theracane. Available at
He prescribes it for trigger point therapy for headaches with any sort of tension component, but given the $30 price point, he thought the thing was awesome, but not worth the price. I looked into it, and saw that the self-massage possibilities were endless!

A snippet from the owner's manual

So, I bought B a Theracane for Christmas. Except I couldn't keep it secret until Christmas, so he received his Theracane in November. Both of us enjoyed using it so much- and knowing that my parents also enjoy self-massage (my mom is constantly telling me to lie on top of and roll on tennis balls for my back because she does it and it feels "so good!"), we decided to buy my parents a Theracane also for Christmas that year.

Now, I don't know if it's a cultural thing, but sometimes I feel like my parents don't "get" presents. After we gave them the Theracane, they offered it back to us, saying that if we wanted two Theracanes at home, they'd be willing to let us keep the one that we had bought for them. Confused, but wanting them to enjoy the Theracane as much as we had, we refused.

My husband and I still occasionally use our Theracane- especially when we get wicked knots in our shoulders or necks from all the computer work we have to do as physicians. (Honestly, a greater proportion of time spent in front of computers than with patients- while they're awake anyways, but that's not really what this blog is about...) But I had forgotten about the Theracane we had bought for my parents until B went on his early morning walk around my parent's house and spotted this:

Theracane... holding back some old fencing???

B was so angry- we bought them a $30 gift, and it's in the yard holding some old rusty fencing in place?! He went to my mom and told her that we had given her the Theracane as a gift, and if she wasn't using it, he would take it back and use it in his clinic to show patients how it's used.

Expecting some sort of remorse or apology (or embarrassment???) for blatantly misusing a gift, my husband was surprised (or maybe- not surprised?) when my mom replied without any sort of remorse or guilt: "Oh sure, of course. I'll clean it off for you."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tent Person gets a promotion

My husband and I were in LA for Memorial Day weekend to attend a friend's wedding. Since my parents live literally 10 minutes from the ceremony and reception, we really had no excuse to stay anywhere else but with my parents.

One morning, B (my husband) let me sleep in a little bit and took the kiddo on a walk around the grounds. He had a very interesting talk with my parent's housekeeper/cook/maid, but I'll save that for another post. B went to the RV to try to take some more photos for this blog. He opened the door, and... woke up the Tent Person, who was sleeping in the RV- on the floor. Surprised, B apologized for disturbing the Tent Person. Seeing that B had our little kiddo with him, Tent Person went on to warn B that there had been a bobcat sighted nearby, so not to take the kid out in the backyard past the pool.

And bobcats, oh my!!!

A little disturbed by this encounter, B returned and told me what had happened.

"What?! You didn't take a selfie with the Tent Person?!" I asked.

I asked my parents later if they knew that Tent Person was now RV Person, and indeed, they had given him permission to sleep in the RV. I suppose, a better use of the space than for storage.

Later on that weekend, I saw RV Person exiting the RV and heading toward the pool house with a large plastic bottle filled with a yellow liquid that I was quite certain was urine.

Well, hey- at least he's not peeing in the bushes.

Monday, June 2, 2014


My mom is obsessed with flossing. She has a history of gum disease, so now she obsessively flosses after every meal, no matter where she is. There have been multiple dinners out at nice restaurants, where we've finished the meal and are sitting around enjoying each others' company... and then she pulls out her floss and starts going at it. There have been the same number of hisses under my breath at her admonishing her to go to the bathroom and floss if she absolutely needs to.

For some reason, my parents also seem to believe that using a piece of floss only once is a waste. It must have to do with their history of relative impoverishment in Taiwan before emigrating to the United States. So, my parents save their floss. Not kidding. When they come and visit, we will randomly find pieces of floss here and there. The car is another place where they enjoy flossing- and my mom in particular has been known (and seen) to be driving while flossing.

So, when we visited LA a few weekends ago, my husband and I couldn't help noticing in the car they let us borrow...

And more floss!

Honestly, I was more surprised to see only three pieces of floss in the car! My husband and I even tried to search for more floss to take photos of.

So, imagine my delight when I saw this billboard in Utah:

DON'T Floss and Drive

I immediately took a photo of it (yes, I was driving, don't kill me- but it was just way too good to pass up) and sent it to my sister. The humor would have been lost on my mom.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Asian women can't drive

My mom claims that she is the best driver in the family, which is far from true. However, when we challenge her on this, she points out that she is the only person who has not yet crashed a car... which very unfortunately, is true. That is, it is true that she has never crashed a car into another car. She has crashed into plenty of inanimate objects.

Case in point: here's a photo of the side of her Prius.

Poor Prius...

When I moved to Utah, my parents kindly let me trade my car with my mom's 4Runner. However, there are dents on literally every corner of the car. Whenever I drive a new friend around, I always make sure to tell them that all of them were from when my mom owned the car- not from my own driving. I don't want people to think I'm a terrible driver too!