Monday, June 2, 2014


My mom is obsessed with flossing. She has a history of gum disease, so now she obsessively flosses after every meal, no matter where she is. There have been multiple dinners out at nice restaurants, where we've finished the meal and are sitting around enjoying each others' company... and then she pulls out her floss and starts going at it. There have been the same number of hisses under my breath at her admonishing her to go to the bathroom and floss if she absolutely needs to.

For some reason, my parents also seem to believe that using a piece of floss only once is a waste. It must have to do with their history of relative impoverishment in Taiwan before emigrating to the United States. So, my parents save their floss. Not kidding. When they come and visit, we will randomly find pieces of floss here and there. The car is another place where they enjoy flossing- and my mom in particular has been known (and seen) to be driving while flossing.

So, when we visited LA a few weekends ago, my husband and I couldn't help noticing in the car they let us borrow...

And more floss!

Honestly, I was more surprised to see only three pieces of floss in the car! My husband and I even tried to search for more floss to take photos of.

So, imagine my delight when I saw this billboard in Utah:

DON'T Floss and Drive

I immediately took a photo of it (yes, I was driving, don't kill me- but it was just way too good to pass up) and sent it to my sister. The humor would have been lost on my mom.

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