Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Photo-day

My dad showing off high fashion hiking wear in his Cerveza jersey and his button-down shirt stuffed under his cap for addition sun protection. Oh, and those are Transition lenses- he wore them for my wedding and subsequently looked baller while walking me down the aisle.

Oh yeah.

My mom, also exhibiting the latest trends in hiking-appropriate clothing: a tennis skirt, my old P.E. shirt from junior high (somebody has been raiding the bags I've set aside for Goodwill!!!), and a button down blouse. This trend of wearing button down blouses as sun protective gear has led to my sister and I buying my mom actual UPF button down shirts- one of the few gifts that she actually uses. However, she will often misplace the shirts we've bought her and go back to wearing filmy long sleeved button down blouses- as in the type most people would wear in combination with a nice skirt to go to work.

Happy Wednesday, folks!

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