Wednesday, March 5, 2014


As many of you know, California is heading toward an epic drought.

Snowpack comparison between 2013 and 2014. (Source.)

You should all know that my mother is doing her part to combat drought in California. I called her the other day while California was getting "lots" of rain and she was bragging about how she had large wastebaskets out in the backyard and had collected several gallons of water already.

Why waste the water coming off your roof?

See, because I had sent a spy out to LA a few months ago, I already knew that my mom was collecting rain water. In fact, she is so serious about this, that she hired somebody to dig huge holes in the backyard so she could put water collection barrels to collect the runoff from the roof gutters.

My family lived in California during the great drought of the late 1980s and early 1990s, so we know how it's done. How are you doing your part to conserve water?

(Disclaimer: This post is entirely tongue in cheek. My mom doesn't give a crap about conservation. But she DOES care about money- at least when it has to do with the water bill (not when it has to do with airline baggage fees, though...) And water gets expensive during a drought. The best example of this: whenever we traveled as kids, my mom would always take a bath every night because she didn't have to pay for water. Things haven't changed. The first time she visited me at my condo, she first asked if we pay for water, and we don't- the HOA does, so she took a bath every night she was here.)

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