Sunday, June 18, 2017

Where did Mom go?

(Relevant backstory: Recently, we moved to a new house. Due to construction issues, we have one usable bathroom upstairs, and another downstairs. The one upstairs is sort of the master and also shared with the kids, so it's sort of a mess and disaster. So often when we have company, we ask them to use the downstairs bathroom.)

My parents were visiting soon after our second child was born. It was a great blessing to be able to have them come help us out- especially with caring for our first child, E, while we were busy with the second. It was dinner time, so we asked my parents to help E wash his hands downstairs. Ah-gong (maternal grandpa), Ah-ma (maternal grandma), and E all went downstairs, and then only Ah-gong and E returned.

And then 15 minutes passed.

"Where's Mom," I asked. Nobody knew. I nudged Lee, "Hey, maybe you should check downstairs. She likes to go through people's papers and things- maybe she's in your office." And yes- true story, my sister's boyfriend has found her rifling through his mail and bills. Lee bolted downstairs and then returned to report:

"So I went downstairs, and I didn't see your mom. And then I heard this splashing sound and the door to the bathroom was open. So I go up to the door, and go, 'Mom?' And then a hand comes out of the tub and pulls the curtain shut."

"WHAT?! She was taking a bath?!" She had not asked us if she could take a bath.

"Yeah! And I asked her if she had fresh clothes. She did not. I asked her if she had a towel. And she said she was just going to use one of the ones hanging on the rack. And I was like, E wipes his hands on those towels! You were going to wipe your genitals on that towel and then put it back without telling us?!" (Yes, she was. Since you are completely clean after you come out of the bath, this is okay.)

Some people are unusually sensitive about where their towels have been. Some... are not.

I spent the remainder of my mom's unauthorized random bath trying to be calm and rational when she reappeared. I'll spare you the entire conversation, but here are some of her choice justifications:

"If you hadn't found out, you wouldn't have cared."
"If I had asked, you would have said no."

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