Saturday, December 21, 2013

You can't sit there

Once my parents heard that I was being admitted to induce labor, they headed out from LA to drive here to Salt Lake City to meet their first grandson. Or, at least, they started thinking about it. My parents don't mobilize very quickly since any trips out of town first require preparing more than enough food and green juice (more on that later!) for the entirety of the trip. I stalk my mom on FindMyFriends, and I know for a fact that they didn't leave home until after 10:30pm, California time. I was admitted for induction around 4pm, Utah time. And despite all my assurances to them that  the induction was going to take time, so please be safe and don't drive through the night, they headed out way after dark. Actually, they first told me not to worry- they were going to drive until midnight and then stop at a hotel. I know this was a lie because they didn't stop until they reached Primm around 2:30am- thank you, FindMyFriends. 

At any rate, they arrived in Utah late the next day. As I had driven myself to the hospital before knowing I was going to be induced, my car was at the hospital- along with my husband's, so we asked for my dad's help to drive my car back home. My dad followed my husband back home and then my husband went to sit in the front passenger side of my parents' car.

"Oh, no- you can't sit there," my dad told my husband. "There's stuff there."

And so there was. 

And in half of the back seat too. 

But the entire back cargo area of the car, a 4Runner, was empty and surprisingly clean. 

Apparently, my parents had driven the 11 hours to Utah with one person in the driver's seat and the other in the back. Whatever works, I suppose.

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