Monday, January 13, 2014

Lost in the Woods, or Mommy's Helicopter Ride

My mom is painfully goal-oriented. This is definitely an admirable trait, and is responsible for how my mother has gotten far in life. However, I would posit that she is goal-oriented to a fault. In 2012, she decided that she was going to climb Mount Whitney. I am not sure how she got this idea, but I think it started with a group of women at her church who decided to train for and climb Mount Whitney together.

Mount Whitney, photo from Wikipedia

So this story is difficult to tell, because I got all of my information about it in fragmented form, but it started with an email from my mom entitled "Fw: Mommy's Helicopter Ride" with this attached video:


One day later, I got this email written by a Kay Maser* forwarded from my dad:

Fw: Another Story About Mommy's Helicopter Ride
So, it was brought to my attention that my message Tuesday evening seemed to have some urgency.  I meant to fill you all in, but the night became very late.   Sorry to keep you in the dark...
Yes, there was a sense of urgency in my message, but I was driving and trying to 'text' ... 
After missing a gathering for a hike and hikers being unwilling to wait due to impending darkness, Jan [my mom] (yes, our Jan) said she was on her way and would start up the trail, planning to meet us on our way down.
When we didn't cross paths, I'd assumed she decided against the idea.
After a stop at the grocery store, I returned home to find a text message from Jan.  The message had been sent nearly an hour before and requested that I call rescuers because she was stuck up on top of the mountain and couldn't get down. 
There I was calling the Sheriff's Search and Rescue, while trying to reach her husband to see if he'd heard anything... while driving like a bat out of hell back to the trailhead. Search and rescue members were already on the mountain and in communication by cell, her husband 
So - upon arrival, there was Jan's husband, Peter (who had been hiking part of the trail with her), a nice young man that assisted Peter back to the main trail when Jan ventured further, and Sheriff volunteers. 
A very exciting (and cold) evening which ended in Jan's personal helicopter ride from the top of 'her' mountain to a nearby park. 
Thanks Cathy, for the number (and offer to come join in the wait).  Thanks Carol T for the call and for letting everyone else know that I'd received the information. 
See you all next week when Carol F. leads us! 
Easter Blessings to all!

Kay Maser

So let's hit the high points, shall we?
1. My mom seems to be physically incapable of getting anywhere on time, so she misses the group meeting at the trailhead.
2. She ditches my dad because he hikes too slowly for her.
3. She gets lost.
4. She ends up at the top of a different mountain. (Or "her" mountain, as she referred to it when I called her about this fiasco.)
5. She can't get back down.
6. Search and rescue gets called.
7. And they have to rescue her by helicopter.

My. Mom. Is. Amazing.

*name changed for privacy reasons

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I notice that you don't change your parents' names for privacy reasons... hmm....
