Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dishwasher is broken

Tons of family crammed into our small space for Thanksgiving

After nearly 5 years of blissful marital living in the small condo we bought when we moved out to Salt Lake City, and 1.5 years of cramped family living in the same small condo, my husband and I finally moved to a larger space. We ended up deciding to sell our condo to my parents, so they could have a place to stay when they visited. This was an idea that I was pretty okay with, but my husband was very apprehensive about.

There is a ton more backstory that I'll address at another time (once I can think about it calmly without experiencing sudden tachycardia...) but I should have anticipated that they would ask us about everything going wrong in the condo.

For instance, this cryptic text message:
MOM: Dad said the upstairs one window can't open , who you use to help . First day OK

And then later on my husband told me that my dad had said the dishwasher was broken. There were bubbles coming out from the bottom of the dishwasher onto the floor.

"Oh," I told him, "I've made that mistake before. They just used dish soap instead of dishwasher detergent."

"No," He replied, "Your dad said that they definitely bought dishwasher detergent, and didn't use the dish soap. He said that it came in a ball, maybe one of those power ball things. I asked him to send me a picture of it, but he hasn't yet."

"Was it a lot of bubbles? Or just a little?"

"He said just a little."

"Oh, it's probably fine. Maybe it was just a one time thing. Doesn't make sense though, the dishwasher was working just fine when we left."

So I forgot about it until my husband went back to the condo to pick something up. That night I was exhausted from a long day at work and was still doing work at home, when he sat down across from me on the couch: "Come here come here, I want to show you these photos."

This was the dishwasher detergent they had been using. Good for use in high efficiency washers, I suppose. Because just like clothes, who doesn't want their dishes pro-whitened to a dazzling white?

And to be fair, there's nothing on the bottle that says it's meant for clothes washing machines, versus dish washing machines.
I mean- "regular loads"? Of what? Dishes? Or clothes?
"As with all colored loads"? I have white dishes and colored dishes. I don't usually separate them for washing, but I suppose my colored dishes could run into the whites and make them less "dazzling white."